Demo Version of Haydn’s Jyotish for Mac OS X

This is a demo of version 1.78 of my software. If you have any questions or need help please e-mail me:

Download the Demo Version of Haydn’s Jyotish for Mac OS X (.zip)


Download the Demo Version of Haydn’s Jyotish for Mac OS X (.dmg)

Click on the above link to download the software. It should take approximately 30 seconds to download.
Safari will popup a window which looks like this:

Click on the "Continue" button.

Then on your desktop, you will see a new folder icon named "JyoDemo". Double click it to open it. It will look like this:

Then double click on the "DOSBox" icon to run the program. (DOSBox is a nifty program which makes it possible to run MS-DOS programs on any Mac with OS X.)

Here is what the program looks like:

Here are a few useful tricks:

For questions, comments or to order contact:
   Haydn Huntley
   582 Hoene St.
   Makawao, HI 96768, USA

Skype: haydnhuntley
Phone: (808) 283-5173
Current Time: Saturday, February 15, 9:57 pm
Please do not call before 8am or after 10pm.
Copyright © 1997-2025 Haydn Huntley, all rights reserved.